full page ad, Cinefex, Hollywood Reporter and Variety,
Academy Awards For Your Consideration
full page ad, Hollywood Reporter and Variety
and poster for crew
full page ad, Hollywood Reporter and Variety
and poster for crew
Mill Valley Film Festival back cover
Mill Valley Film Festival back cover
Mill Valley Film Festival back cover
Mill Valley Film Festival back cover
Mill Valley Film Festival back cover
full page ad Cinefex tributing Stanly Kubrick
full page ad, Hollywood Reporter and Variety tributing Steven Spielberg
full page ad, Hollywood Reporter and Variety tributing Saul Zaentz
full page ad, Hollywood Reporter and Variety tributing Larry Kasdan
full page ad, Hollywood Reporter and Variety tributing Samuel L. Jackson
full page ad, Hollywood Reporter and Variety tributing Harrison Ford
prototype for teaser poster
Photography and cover design for company yearbook.
Point Reyes Light ad
Point Reyes Light ad
created for the Red Sox the year they won the World Series
created for the Yankees the year they played in the World series
created for the Yankees the year they played in the World series
(back side)
created for 100 celebrities to promote release of Star Wars: Episode II
R2D2 Mockumentary, "Beneath the Dome", created all stills
Created for Lucasfilm presentation to Pixar/Disney